284 research outputs found

    On the classification and dispersability of circulant graphs with two jump lengths

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    In this paper, we give the classification of circulant graphs C(Zn,S)C(\mathbb{Z}_{n},S) with ∣S∣=2|S|=2 and completely solve the dispersability of circulant graphs C(Zn,{1,k})C(\mathbb{Z}_{n},\{1, k\})

    Enhancing thermoelectric figure-of-merit by low-dimensional electrical transport in phonon-glass crystals

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    Low-dimensional electronic and glassy phononic transport are two important ingredients of highly-efficient thermoelectric material, from which two branches of the thermoelectric research emerge. One focuses on controlling electronic transport in the low dimension, while the other on multiscale phonon engineering in the bulk. Recent work has benefited much from combining these two approaches, e.g., phonon engineering in low-dimensional materials. Here, we propose to employ the low-dimensional electronic structure in bulk phonon-glass crystal as an alternative way to increase the thermoelectric efficiency. Through first-principles electronic structure calculation and classical molecular dynamics simulation, we show that the π\pi-π\pi stacking Bis-Dithienothiophene molecular crystal is a natural candidate for such an approach. This is determined by the nature of its chemical bonding. Without any optimization of the material parameter, we obtain a maximum room-temperature figure of merit, ZTZT, of 1.481.48 at optimal doping, thus validating our idea.Comment: Nano Lett.201

    Thermal conductivity of MgO in giant planetary interior conditions predicted by deep potential

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    Thermal conductivity κ\kappa of MgO plays a fundamental role in understanding the thermal evolution and mantle convection in the interior of terrestrial planets. However, previous theoretical calculations deviate from each other and the κ\kappa of high-pressure B2 phase remains undetermined. Here, by combining molecular dynamics and deep potential trained with first-principles data, we systematically investigate the κ\kappa of MgO from ambient state to the core-mantle boundary (CMB) of super-Earth with 5M⊕5M_{\oplus}. We point out the significance of 4-phonon scatterings and modify the conventional thermal conductivity model of MgO by considering the density-dependent proportion of 3-phonon and 4-phonon scatterings. The κ\kappa profiles of MgO in Earth and super-Earth are further estimated. For super-Earth, we predict a significant reduction of κ\kappa at the B1-B2 phase transition area near the CMB. This work provides new insights into thermal transport under extreme conditions and an improved thermal model for terrestrial planets.Comment: 4 figure

    Anomalous thermal transport across the superionic transition in ice

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    Superionic ices with highly mobile protons within the stable oxygen sub-lattice occupy an important proportion of the phase diagram of ice and widely exist in the interior of icy giants and throughout the universe. Understanding the thermal transport in superionic ice is vital for the thermal evolution of icy planets. However, it is highly challenging due to the extreme thermodynamic conditions and dynamical nature of protons, beyond the capability of the traditional lattice dynamics and empirical potential molecular dynamics approaches. In this work, by utilizing the deep potential molecular dynamics approach, we investigate the thermal conductivity of ice-VII and superionic ice-VII" along the isobar of p=30 GPap = 30\ \rm{GPa}. A non-monotonic trend of thermal conductivity with elevated temperature is observed. Through heat flux decomposition and trajectory-based spectra analysis, we show that the thermally-activated proton diffusion in ice-VII and superionic ice-VII" contribute significantly to heat convection, while the broadening in vibrational energy peaks and significant softening of transverse acoustic branches lead to a reduction in heat conduction. The competition between proton diffusion and phonon scattering results in anomalous thermal transport across the superionic transition in ice. This work unravels the important role of proton diffusion in the thermal transport of high-pressure ice. Our approach provides new insights into modeling the thermal transport and atomistic dynamics in superionic materials.Comment: 5 figure
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